
Playing Outside

On one summer day,

Go outside and play!

It is very good for you,

You get vitamin D, its true.

From the ground to the air,

Swinging’s fun, but don’t forget to share!

Whenever out the door you run,

To the playground to have fun,

Remember you get healthy from the sun!



Gems, as beautiful as they can be,

Blue, and red, and green of the sea.

Watch out for plastic though,

Those can make great imitations.

One way to tell them apart,

Is that they glow green when you fart.

The gems, I mean.

And if you are keen,

To find real ones, I mean,

Start mining!


Valentine’s Day

When its Valentine’s Day,

I wish it would come today.

Giving lots of candy and such,

I always get a stomach ache, because I eat to much.

Coloring the world in pink, white, and red,

There’s even some in the room of my bed.

Twizzlers, gummies, a chocolate bar,

But that’s only the beginning, by far.

Cupcakes, any type of sweet,

Oh, yes, what a treat.

Sweet-hearts and lollipops,

This huge list never stops.

Fun Dip, and Will You Be My Valentine,

Ah, those cards are just divine.

Cheesecake M&Ms,

I’m telling you, it never ends.

Cookies, shaped as hearts,

Mmm, Can I have another tart?

Valentine’s Day,

Isn’t so far away…





Which one?

When I go to music class,

I don’t want to learn bass,

Flute or fifer? Not for me.

But, right there, what do I see?

A perfect instrument, I didn’t let it be!

I ran straight up to it,

And up my face lit.

I ran my fingers across the keys,

White and black, just for me!

I love to hear this sound,

And then I danced, all around!

It was as grand and beautiful as the eye could see,

But, what could this magnificent thing be?





Covid-19 Haiku

Covid 19 comes,

A sickness incurable,

But vaccines are made.



I’m being chased by a car,

And I need to get far.

A cheetah is coming after me,

Will I survive? Oh, gee.

Now its a bull right behind,

Charging at me, it’s outta its mind.

Not getting out, whelp,

I so badly need help!

Now it’s a big hungry dog,

Oops, and now I tripped on a log.

I am gonna die,

Right here, where I lie.

Guess what, now it’s a tiny cat,

And it wants to snuggle on my lap!



The Dragon of Wishes

I am The Dragon of Wishes,

Though everyone fears me.

If they got close enough to pray,

Their wishes would come true, believe me.

But never have they set a foot,

Inside this gloomy cave,

Want to know what they would do?

Oh, they would run away.

I am stuck here,

Day and night.

Never have I seen the light.

Unless someone makes a wish,

I am stuck here,

Like a trapped dinner dish.

Goodbye, freedom, see you soon,

I hope someone makes a wish at noon.




The Boogeyman

The Boogeyman lives in the night,

Haunting all of your dreams.

But if you walk right up to him,

He isn’t what he seems!

He’s really a very nice fellow,

Though his teeth are really yellow.

He is not the one giving you nightmares,

He told me.

But he is surprised,

That you all act like baloney!

He says it’s just a trick of the mind,

Not his fault at all,

So never blame him again,

I’m tellin y’all!