
The Maker

I am the Maker,

Maker of all things,

Have you ever wondered,

How people make slings?


Well, if you haven’t,

This is your time to know,

I am the Maker of all things,

Even your favorite show.


I am the Creator of Poems,

Those things are true,

And I am the Maker,

Of skies that are blue.


Even when they’re dull,

I bring the clouds,

So spring will come,

Then who to will you bow?


Me, of course,

The Maker of all stuff,

I can tell when you bow,

If you mean it or bluff.


4 Spring Haiku

Spring is coming soon,

I can feel it in the air,

Flowers are blooming.


Rabbits are jumping,

The Easter Bunny is here,

Find some hidden eggs.


Ponds are defrosting,

You can hear lots of frogs croak,

Now that spring is here.


Go see the roses,

Go see the cherry blossoms,

Now the grass is green.



Guess what’s buried beneath the soil?


Guess what tastes good boiled?



Icky things, most people would say,

But my opinion is,

They save the day!

Ahh, mealworms.


Guess what you learn in science class?


Guess what under the room where you play bass?



Slimy, they say, but that’s not right!

The real answer is,

Scaley, no fight!

Ahh, mealworms


Dan the Man

Hey, I’m Dan the Man,

And I’m gonna show you how to wash a pan!

If there’s anything that I don’t know, I’d better.


I know how to swim at a pool,

I know how babies drool.

I know why the sky is blue,

But wait, you say you know that too?


You know that an apple’s red?

You know how to sleep in bed?

You know that owls can see at night?

You know that foxes can fight?


Wow, I guess I’m not as smart as I thought at first,

Because everyone knows how to quench their thirst,

And that everyone in the world jumping at the same time,

Will not move the earth.


Hey, I’m Dan the Man,

But I guess you know how to clean a pan,

And there’s anything smart that I actually know,

I don’t.


Something Under the Bed

I try to tell them to check under my bed and in the dresser,

They check the closet and say the bed is no lesser,

I bet that’s where they all are,

Laughing at me, har har har.


In the dark of my very own room,

What awaits in the gloom?

A monster with razor sharp claws?

A vampire with bloody jaws?


Will they even care at all?

If there’s a creature in the hall?

Uh oh, something under the bed is drooling…


Watching and Waiting

Stealthily I wait

And watch the sea

For my prey to come

Closer to me.


On the banks

Of a river

I watch

And watch

And wait.


This treasured delicacy

The one I have been waiting for

Has finally come

Into my net


Once I’m there

I see

The wiggling figures

On the shore

And I finally

Do not have to watch

And watch

And wait.



Scaly slimy

Things, I know

But fear is

A quality they do not show.


But in their homes

I know they’re scared

Of me

When I watch

And watch

And wait.