
Sunset Limerick

Do you see the sunset out there?
While you are sitting on your chair?
Well, if you do not,
Supper’s in the pot,
And split the soup evenly and fair!



(For Gilad Aharoni)



Markers, markers, draw with them on the wall,

You say that’s bad but who cares at all?

Notebook, notebook, write in it for spelling,

Ha ha ha ha, that’s not what I’m doing…

Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pig Song

Super Pooper,
You deserve a trophy,
For pooping every day,
In every single way,
You keep eating all your hay.

Super Pooper,
I am gonna find you,
From your poopy trails,
And you got no tails,
You poop on the train track rails.


Thanksgiving Haiku

Pie is delicious,

I would eat it every day,

But I can’t (so sad).


It is Thanksgiving,

There are many types of food,

All so delicious.


In the fall weather,

We will give thanks while we eat.

Yes, it’s Thanksgiving.


Prank wars

Me and my friends made a prank war,
Well it wasn’t really me,
I just joined,
As the slides can tell you perfectly.

Its girls against boys,
In this war.
And when this one is over,
We will ask for more!

I thought up some pranks,
Is there anything wrong with that?
I wanted to have some fun-
(The whoopee cushion goes *splat*)


Ol’ Man Timmy

Ol’ Man Timmy was a good old soul,

Fed his cat with a dinner bowl.

Every day he set out to work,

And he always was a clerk!


He checked out items with a scanner,

His birthdays were never without a banner.

Shops were closed, and shops were opened,

He even got a job in Poland!


Funny Foxes

Funny Foxes, dancing in a row,

Bunny hops and enjoys the show.

You can hear the Whining Whale,

In two shakes of a lamb’s tail.


When the Catastrophic Cat comes across your path,

Better run to take your bath (or something).

Opalescent Ostrich goes crunch crunch crunch,

I can see what it had for lunch…







These feline friends,

They might seem scary,

With all those teeth and claws,

But the truth is,

These docile creatures,

Only want to play with you with their paws!