The upside down boy lived in an upside-down world,
Where all he could eat was just one cheese curd.
And he walks on the ceiling instead of the floor,
And he would open the window instead of the door.
The upside down boy had no friends.
He said it was a happy beginning, instead of a sad end.
He would be sad but call it happy.
And when things were straight he would call it flappy.
Oh, he’s upside down, Oy!
No one could understand the boy,
Because he was so upside down in his words.
And I told you about the cheese curds.
Well, I guess he was crazy,
Though he was wonky and lazy.
He would plant stuff inside,
And he would live outdoors.
He would vacuum the sidewalk,
And get mud on the floors.
He wouldn’t care,
Why he was going or where,
Because he was the upside down boy.