
Dan the Man

Hey, I’m Dan the Man,

And I’m gonna show you how to wash a pan!

If there’s anything that I don’t know, I’d better.


I know how to swim at a pool,

I know how babies drool.

I know why the sky is blue,

But wait, you say you know that too?


You know that an apple’s red?

You know how to sleep in bed?

You know that owls can see at night?

You know that foxes can fight?


Wow, I guess I’m not as smart as I thought at first,

Because everyone knows how to quench their thirst,

And that everyone in the world jumping at the same time,

Will not move the earth.


Hey, I’m Dan the Man,

But I guess you know how to clean a pan,

And there’s anything smart that I actually know,

I don’t.