
Who would dare?

Who would dare to ride the fastest horse?
I would!
Who would dare to make their own type of Morse?
I could!
Who would dare to toilet paper the neighbor’s house in the middle of the night?
Hehehe…I might…


Dan the Man

Hey, I’m Dan the Man,

And I’m gonna show you how to wash a pan!

If there’s anything that I don’t know, I’d better.


I know how to swim at a pool,

I know how babies drool.

I know why the sky is blue,

But wait, you say you know that too?


You know that an apple’s red?

You know how to sleep in bed?

You know that owls can see at night?

You know that foxes can fight?


Wow, I guess I’m not as smart as I thought at first,

Because everyone knows how to quench their thirst,

And that everyone in the world jumping at the same time,

Will not move the earth.


Hey, I’m Dan the Man,

But I guess you know how to clean a pan,

And there’s anything smart that I actually know,

I don’t.


The Boogeyman

The Boogeyman lives in the night,

Haunting all of your dreams.

But if you walk right up to him,

He isn’t what he seems!

He’s really a very nice fellow,

Though his teeth are really yellow.

He is not the one giving you nightmares,

He told me.

But he is surprised,

That you all act like baloney!

He says it’s just a trick of the mind,

Not his fault at all,

So never blame him again,

I’m tellin y’all!




Amazing animals

Elephant ears,

Everyone cheers.

Rhino horns,

Everyone mourns.

A giraffe’s long neck?

They say “WHAT THE HECK!”

A cat meows,

Everyone bows.

A dog barks,

They call him Sparks.

Amazing animals for all to see,

Would you come see them with me?





I don’t know anything at all!

Did Abe Lincoln take down the Wall?

Or was he a puppy that played with a ball?

I don’t even know how to play soccer,

Is it with a book that you find in your locker?

So, please, please, please, in a whiz,

Will you please not tell me to take a quiz?

Guinea Pigs Poems

Guinea Pigs

They’re lovely, cute, fluffy and sweet,

They would always enjoy a treat.

But since they are animals of prey,

Do not cuddle them every day.