

What brings you friendship.
When there’s no peace?
What brings you happiness,
When you need everything?
What will you do,
When you lose everything else?
What will you do,
When you have less and less…

This cycle of fear,
When will it ever end?


(btw I’m not depressed or anything I wrote this two years ago)


The Dog

The dog I know is the color grey,
With hints of brown and yellow,
If you leave him alone,
He’ll turn really mellow.

He’s a cute little dog,
He has many doggy friends,
They roll together in the grass,
Until the day ends.

He’ll lick you and pounce,
And cuddle on your lap,
And he makes you rub his tummy,
Once you do he’ll take a nap.


Dan the Man

Hey, I’m Dan the Man,

And I’m gonna show you how to wash a pan!

If there’s anything that I don’t know, I’d better.


I know how to swim at a pool,

I know how babies drool.

I know why the sky is blue,

But wait, you say you know that too?


You know that an apple’s red?

You know how to sleep in bed?

You know that owls can see at night?

You know that foxes can fight?


Wow, I guess I’m not as smart as I thought at first,

Because everyone knows how to quench their thirst,

And that everyone in the world jumping at the same time,

Will not move the earth.


Hey, I’m Dan the Man,

But I guess you know how to clean a pan,

And there’s anything smart that I actually know,

I don’t.



It’s snowy outside the door,

And we’re making a fort on the floor.

Sipping hot chocolate in a mug,

They ask us if we wanna go outside, we just shrug.

And that’s because it’s so cold,

And all the winter cookie cutters were sold.

Even though,

The snow,

Is a beautiful sight to see.




Little Mo, Son Of Joe,

Needed something.

Something that told him his ancestry,

Something that he wanted very badly,

So he looked, and looked, and looked, and looked, and looked.


And while he did,

He said to Sid,

I will find it.

He said it to all the people in town,

Until they never wanted him around,

I will find it.


First, he searched around his house.


Then he searched around his street,


He then searched around his whole neighborhood!

But still, Nothing.


He saw Nothing everywhere,

But Something just wasn’t there!

So he sat and pulled out all his hair,

As the Bald Mo, Son Of Joe, he set to work again.


He searched, yes, he would peek and peer,

Until he broke the atmosphere,

But, as you can guess, Nothing.

So as he came back down,

He saw a beautiful sight to see,

Where people aren’t like you and me

They were all as different as could be!

And came back down, gracefully,

And he knew who he would be,



Nature Brings Happiness

With the water spinning around a spike,

Comes the fish called the pike.

With the hills that are steep,

Comes the bleating of the sheep.

With the mountains tall and high,

Comes the cloud shapes in the sky.

And with the breeze that swirls above,

Comes love.



Little by little,

Your years slip away,

And you become older,

just a fact to say,

But the joy of it is,

You have more bliss,

When your children have children it makes a

happier you,

That is the fact that is the most true.