

What brings you friendship.
When there’s no peace?
What brings you happiness,
When you need everything?
What will you do,
When you lose everything else?
What will you do,
When you have less and less…

This cycle of fear,
When will it ever end?


(btw I’m not depressed or anything I wrote this two years ago)


Spill the Beans

I went over to my best friend’s house on the middle of the night,
My mama found out and started to pout,
Saying, “Spill the beans, or else we’ll have a fight!”
So that’s what I did, all over the table, just that Saturday night.
Why won’t anyone pass me the beans anymore?


Who would dare?

Who would dare to ride the fastest horse?
I would!
Who would dare to make their own type of Morse?
I could!
Who would dare to toilet paper the neighbor’s house in the middle of the night?
Hehehe…I might…



I didn’t do it
No, not me.
I was….cleaning windows,
As you can plainly see.
It was obviously Tabetha,
Are you blind?
But if I did do it,
Would you mind?


Something Under the Bed

I try to tell them to check under my bed and in the dresser,

They check the closet and say the bed is no lesser,

I bet that’s where they all are,

Laughing at me, har har har.


In the dark of my very own room,

What awaits in the gloom?

A monster with razor sharp claws?

A vampire with bloody jaws?


Will they even care at all?

If there’s a creature in the hall?

Uh oh, something under the bed is drooling…


Watching and Waiting

Stealthily I wait

And watch the sea

For my prey to come

Closer to me.


On the banks

Of a river

I watch

And watch

And wait.


This treasured delicacy

The one I have been waiting for

Has finally come

Into my net


Once I’m there

I see

The wiggling figures

On the shore

And I finally

Do not have to watch

And watch

And wait.



Scaly slimy

Things, I know

But fear is

A quality they do not show.


But in their homes

I know they’re scared

Of me

When I watch

And watch

And wait.


Which one?

When I go to music class,

I don’t want to learn bass,

Flute or fifer? Not for me.

But, right there, what do I see?

A perfect instrument, I didn’t let it be!

I ran straight up to it,

And up my face lit.

I ran my fingers across the keys,

White and black, just for me!

I love to hear this sound,

And then I danced, all around!

It was as grand and beautiful as the eye could see,

But, what could this magnificent thing be?