
Valentine’s Day

When its Valentine’s Day,

I wish it would come today.

Giving lots of candy and such,

I always get a stomach ache, because I eat to much.

Coloring the world in pink, white, and red,

There’s even some in the room of my bed.

Twizzlers, gummies, a chocolate bar,

But that’s only the beginning, by far.

Cupcakes, any type of sweet,

Oh, yes, what a treat.

Sweet-hearts and lollipops,

This huge list never stops.

Fun Dip, and Will You Be My Valentine,

Ah, those cards are just divine.

Cheesecake M&Ms,

I’m telling you, it never ends.

Cookies, shaped as hearts,

Mmm, Can I have another tart?

Valentine’s Day,

Isn’t so far away…





Which one?

When I go to music class,

I don’t want to learn bass,

Flute or fifer? Not for me.

But, right there, what do I see?

A perfect instrument, I didn’t let it be!

I ran straight up to it,

And up my face lit.

I ran my fingers across the keys,

White and black, just for me!

I love to hear this sound,

And then I danced, all around!

It was as grand and beautiful as the eye could see,

But, what could this magnificent thing be?





Covid-19 Haiku

Covid 19 comes,

A sickness incurable,

But vaccines are made.



It’s snowy outside the door,

And we’re making a fort on the floor.

Sipping hot chocolate in a mug,

They ask us if we wanna go outside, we just shrug.

And that’s because it’s so cold,

And all the winter cookie cutters were sold.

Even though,

The snow,

Is a beautiful sight to see.



Amazing animals

Elephant ears,

Everyone cheers.

Rhino horns,

Everyone mourns.

A giraffe’s long neck?

They say “WHAT THE HECK!”

A cat meows,

Everyone bows.

A dog barks,

They call him Sparks.

Amazing animals for all to see,

Would you come see them with me?




Among us

Me as in Among Us player

‘Tis the game of murder and death,

‘Tis the game of betrayal.

‘Tis the game of not pure health,

‘Tis the game of I’m not okay’ll.

‘Tis the worst of all games,

Where all you do is sit,

Can I download it?


Lucas Mucus

Lucas Mucus was an unlucky guy,

For dinner there was only one french fry.

And when he went to school,

The kids asked him why he didn’t drool.

The kids were mean and called him Mucus,

Even though his real name was Lucas.

So he thought about that,

And he came up with an idea that hit his face. (Splat)

He would change his name!



They’re great,

You can use them to clean a gate,

You can throw them in the air,

You can use them to start a flare,

You can use them to—Eww! get it off! I was just about to say that!

Guinea Pigs Poems

Guinea Pigs

They’re lovely, cute, fluffy and sweet,

They would always enjoy a treat.

But since they are animals of prey,

Do not cuddle them every day.




Makes you start snoring.

It’s hard.

Makes you wish that this place was bombard.

They make you do it,

But you have some wit!

They can’t make you anymore,

Because now they make you sweep the floor.